Meeting of the Gas Commission in Sochi

  • Meeting of the Gas Commission in Sochi
Meeting of the Gas Commission in Sochi

08 April 2024

PetroTrace took part in the meeting of the Gas Industry Commission for the Development of Deposits and the Use of Subsurface Resources to review the results of the development of gas and oil and gas condensate fields of Gazprom PJSC and the Coordination Geological Meeting of Gazprom PJSC, which took place from April 01 to April 03, 2024 in Sochi.

Our colleague Elena Rossiyskaya made a presentation on "4D seismic monitoring of the near-well space of the Piltun – Astokhskoye field of the shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk based on diffracted waves"

PetroTrace is traditionally the sponsor of this event.