Geomechanical modeling

Well drilling complications, direction and characteristics of hydraulic fractures, as well as day surface subsidence, well integrity violations, reactivation of tectonic faults and deterioration of reservoir filtration-capacitive properties during field development are largely dependent on the stress-strain state of the rock mass and/or its changes over time.

A one-dimensional model of the stress-strain state of rocks (geomechanical model) is built using data from a particular well and calibrated according to its drilling results. In order to predict the stress-strain state in the interwell space, one-dimensional geomechanical models of one or several reference wells are converted into a three-dimensional geomechanical model. The three-dimensional model is based on a detailed structural model (which in this case is built from the day surface to the target horizons), but also uses results of dynamic interpretation of seismic data, rock-physical models created from GIS data, as well as results of laboratory core studies and pore pressure forecast. To account for changes that occurred during field development, the geomechanical model can import the current reservoir pressure field from the hydrodynamic model.

Geomechanical models serve as an important tool for optimizing well trajectories and well design. These models help minimize the risks of drilling complications, increasing commercial drilling speed and reducing the cost of constructing production and exploration wells. PetroTrace has successful experience in creating one-dimensional and three-dimensional geomechanical models for fields in complex geological conditions. When performing geomechanical modeling work as part of an integrated approach, PetroTrace specialists make maximum use of the information extracted from seismic survey data.

Stress-strain state modeling results for one of the reference wells in the target interval.

Drilling window (range of acceptable drilling mud densities) in the target interval, calculated based on the geomechanical model.