
PetroTrace is a high-tech oilfield services company providing a full range of consulting services in the field of oil and gas exploration and production, from seismic data processing to drilling support for production wells.

  • Time processing

    The availability of a high-resolution seismic image of the environment in many respects predetermines the efficiency of solving geological problems. The PetroTrace team applies the most advanced technologies and software from the world's leading manufacturers as well as its own unique methods for 2D/3D/4D/4C seismic data processing.

  • Depth processing

    In areas with sharp vertical and lateral velocity changes, the temporal migration of seismic data does not allow obtaining a correct image of the environment. To improve reflection focus and restore true horizon geometry, PetroTrace specialists build depth-velocity models of any degree of complexity and use a wide range of pre-stack depth migration algorithms.

  • Structural interpretation

    The structural interpretation of seismic data allows to trace acoustically contrasting geological boundaries and tectonic faults in the seismic wave field. The interpretation reconstructs the morphology and depth of target reservoir boundaries and provides a structural basis for creating volumetric geologic models of deposits and prospects.

  • Reservoir properties prediction

    Reliable information about structural plan and reservoir properties is a prerequisite for drilling planning and reserves estimation. The many years of experience of PetroTrace employees in various oil and gas provinces enables effective integration, analysis and interpretation of all available geological and geophysical information in the region under study.

  • Geological modeling

    Computer geological models describe the initial state of a deposit from the structural framework and faults to the spatial distribution of lithological rock types, FCP and initial saturation. PetroTrace specialists create geological models based on all available geological and geophysical information, including the results of seismic and GIS data interpretation, core studies, sedimentological analysis and development data.

  • Geomechanical modeling

    Geomechanical models represent the current stress-strain state of rocks in the interval from the day surface to the target pay zones.Geomechanical models use seismic survey data, geological models, GIS data, results of special core analysis and drilling data to create them.

  • Flow modeling

    Three-dimensional hydrodynamic models of oil, gas and gas condensate fields reproduce the dynamics of hydrocarbon and displacement agent filtration in the reservoir. Integrated modeling technology also takes into account processes in wells, surface pipelines and water pipelines.

  • Well planning and drilling support

    Optimization of well design, location and modes of operation on computer models helps improve economic efficiency and reduce risks in production and exploration drilling. Comprehensive geologic support technologies help significantly increase the success of horizontal drilling under uncertainty.

  • Integrated projects

    Combining several areas of work for one field in an integrated project not only reduces the time and improves the quality of results, but also opens up the possibility to fully evaluate the complex of inherent uncertainties of the field and optimize its development or modernization.


Conference Tyumen 2024.

23 -27 September 2024

Conference Tyumen 2024.

PetroTrace LLC will take part in the conference "Tyumen 2024 - Actual trends in scientific, technological and operational…


Horizontal Wells 2024 Conference in Kazan

20 May 2024

Horizontal Wells 2024 Conference in Kazan

PetroTrace employees took part in the conference "Horizontal Wells 2024", which was held from May 13 to May 16 in Kazan.

Elena Gaintseva made a presentation: "Experience in operational exploration of deposits for…

A new publication in the PRONEFT journal

25 April 2024

A new publication in the PRONEFT journal

An article by employees of PetroTrace LLC was published in the journal PRONEFT No. 1 for 2024 :  

Shchetinin I.A., Fakhrtdinov R.R., Evdokimov I.V., Shrubkovsky I.I., Sarkisov G.G. Creating a geological model and…

Conference Geosciences: Modern challenges and solutions

24 April 2024

Conference "Geosciences: Modern challenges and solutions"

Employees of PetroTrace LLC took part in the 11th international conference "Geosciences: Modern Challenges and Solutions", which took place from April 8 to 11 in St. Petersburg.

Elvira Kadyrova presented the report…

Geologists Day 2024

08 April 2024

Geologists Day 2024